Press reviews all around the project “Fly in Uruguay”

February 2024 - Adventure on the other side of the world

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October 2023 - Plains, ocean and tango

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August 2022 - Unkown beauty

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Termine im Fliegermagazin

March 2021 - Aviation events this year in Fliegermagazin

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September 2020 - Above the green pampas of Uruguay

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October 2019 - Special edition of Fliegermagazin about pilot travels

The article about flying in Uruguay is in German. The author describes the fascination that Uruguay and its people have on her. It shows the possibilities to carry out flying tours on your own in or from Uruguay. 

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February 2018 - Fliegermagazin

The title “Augenweide” means “Feast for the eyes”. In this edition of Fliegermagazin Heike Schweigert reports about her first aviation tour, which took her across Uruguay to the Gaucho Festival in Tacuarembó.

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